
Showing posts from March, 2020

How to Deal with the Onset of Baby Teething

One day, probably around the 6-month mark, your baby may go from happy and bubbly to irritated and fussy. There's crying, drooling, and your baby may be inconsolable. They aren't hungry. They just had their nap. Then, through the screams, you see it. A bottom front tooth is breaking through. Your baby is now teething, and it can be an ordeal for parents and babies alike. Here's how to make it easier on the entire household and soothe your baby. Baby Bibs Use Bibs to Catch Drool One of the first symptoms you are likely to notice is the excessive drooling. Without baby bibs , you will quickly find onesies with soaked collars are the new normal. You will want multiple bibs on standby as they become soaked so you can switch them out to let them dry. Keep a Stack of Burp Cloths Handy Keeping a stack of burp cloths nearby can help with any drool that the bib misses and hits the floor. You can also drape them over yourself to protect your clothes from any

Everything You Need to Prepare for the First Night Home with Your Baby

The first night back home from the hospital is usually joyful but exhausting. You’ve spent at least a night in the hospital, and hopefully, your baby was relatively calm during that night. Your first night home, however, may be more eventful. Preparing can help. From having baby blankets ready for swaddling to having everything prepared for nighttime feedings, ensuring you are ready for your baby to come home before they are actually home can cut down stress during a highly stressful time. Here are the essentials for your baby’s first night home.  Baby Blankets A Bassinet for Safe Sleeping Have somewhere for safe sleep already set up before you come home from the hospital. Many new parents opt for a stand-alone bassinet that they can keep close to the bed. Baby Blankets for Swaddling Have at least one receiving blanket ready to swaddle your little one. This not only keeps them warm but helps fight the Moro reflex, which can otherwise startle your baby awake.

Tips for Taking Your Baby on a Camping Trip

Your entire life is liable to change when you have a baby. However, that doesn’t mean you need to give up the great outdoors. With proper planning, it’s possible to take your baby out camping, though you might want to skip the long hike to a campsite. These tips will help you enjoy camping while you’re still changing diapers. Burp Cloths Location, Location, Location One of the most crucial parts of camping with babies is in the planning phase: where you will camp. While it’s possible to make a hike into the wilderness, this is not recommended with a baby. Start small instead. Stay within a couple of hours of home, in case you need to abandon your plans and go back home. You also need time to change your baby, let them nap, or just have a break from the car seat. A campsite you can drive up to or even a cabin are both great first baby camping locales. Basic amenities like a bathroom can help as well. Pile on the Layers Check the forecast before leaving. You may