
Showing posts from April, 2020

Tummy Time: What to Expect

Tummy time is something every new parent has probably heard of, but that doesn’t mean they know what to do. What is tummy time, and how long should you do tummy time with your newborn? When should you start? How long should a single tummy time session last? Tummy time is important, and having these answers can help your baby develop.  Receiving Blanket What Is Tummy Time? Tummy time is simple: It’s placing your baby on their stomach to play, usually on a receiving blanket or something similar. Tummy time is essential as it helps to teach your baby to lift their head, and gets them ready for later activities such as sitting up and crawling. Tummy time should always be supervised, make sure to follow safe sleep guidelines and never put a newborn down to sleep on their tummy. Back is best for sleeping, while tummy time is best on their stomach. They spend a lot of time on their backs sleeping, which means they need time to work the opposing muscles, as well. Do not

How to Take Photos of Your Newborn

You’ve made it home and started settling in with your newborn. Now, the fun can begin! Whether you are doing announcement photos or simply doing a newborn photoshoot, these tips can help you make the most out of the window of opportunity you have to capture your newborn. Remember, they are unlike many other photography subjects. Grab your baby blankets , your camera, and toys to keep your baby’s attention, and get ready to snap some photos. Baby Blankets Use Natural Lighting Turn off the flash on your camera: it won’t be flattering to your baby. Instead, use natural light, whether it’s from a large window in your home or an outside photoshoot. Choosing the room with the most natural lighting means you will get the glowy, angelic lighting that makes baby photos shine. Time It Right Another crucial part of getting good newborn photos is in the timing. After a few weeks, you should start to get a feel for your baby’s schedule. Time your photoshoot for either when yo