
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to Build the Ultimate Daycare Pack

Whether it is your first time taking your little one to daycare or coming back from a break, here are some of the items you might want to include in a backpack with your baby when you bring them in. From food preferences and extra burp cloths to extra clothes, these will be much appreciated by the caretakers at the daycare. Baby Bibs Food Preferences Whether it’s breast milk or formula, you should pack enough to get through at least a day. If your baby is going to daycare more than one day each week, give your daycare enough food to get through those days. If your little one is on formula, you can provide them with a can to hold, and they will let you know when you need to bring another. If you are bringing breast milk, be sure to label the package with your name and date. Buy extras of any bottles your baby likes and give those to the daycare after labeling them. If your baby spits up a lot, you might want to include extra burp cloths to not overtax the daycare. The sa

How to Swaddle and When to Stop Swaddling

Many hospitals will give parents a baby blanket to swaddle their newborn in. Swaddling, though, can be tricky without practice. What does swaddling do, and why can it be important? Here is everything you need to know about swaddling your new baby, and when you can stop swaddling. Baby Blankets What Does Swaddling Do? First, it’s essential to understand what swaddling does. The snugness of baby blankets helps mimic the sensation of still being in the womb, helping to calm your baby. That snugness helps keep your baby’s arms down, as well. The startle reflex, also known as the Moro reflex, can occur while your baby is sleeping. They throw their arms out to the side, startling themselves awake. Swaddling helps prevent this. Swaddling can also help keep your baby warm. Bear in mind that swaddling is not for every baby; some babies hate it and refuse to be swaddled. Alternatives are discussed later, but you may also just move on to a baby sleeping bag or sleep sack.